We have just had our car park resealed and need to keep cars off it until Monday 24 March. Your parking options during this time are to park on the roadside on Williams St, or drive into the grassed area beside the 1st fairway through the temporary entrance we have created to the north side of the car park on Williams St (please park at right angles to the chain fence), or to enter the the course via our Dale St entrance and park in the greenkeepers’ area (please make sure you don’t block access for our green staff). Feel free to contact our office on 03 3277320 to discuss.
During summer, some of the rough areas of our course can get very dry, we therefore recommend you do not smoke on our course. If you must smoke, then it is imperative that you dispose of your cigarette butts with extreme care please.
To check the availability of our course, please view our Playing Calendar by clicking here or ring our office on 03 327 7320 between 8.30am & 2.30pm Sunday to Friday or 8.30am & 1.00pm Saturday. While tee bookings are not always essential, Fridays and Sundays are usually very popular days for green fee players so if you wish to play on a Friday or Sunday it is strongly recommended you book to avoid disappointment. When there are no competitions scheduled in our Playing Calendar, green fee players are always welcome.
Please be aware that on frosty mornings the course may be closed until 9am at weekends and until 9.30am on weekdays. The use of carts may be delayed even longer as the club endeavours to protect the course from damage. Your acceptance and compliance with this policy is appreciated.